
This is a monitoring system for brand references in social networks and medias. The collection and analysis of information are executed in real-time mode using Artificial Intelligence (AI).

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Industries where social media and network monitoring is most demand




Commercial and
non-commercial services


Hotel and restaurant




Marketing and sociological studies


Network retail with e-commerce sites

How does social media monitoring work?

Data collection

We monitor over 60,000,000 sources and find only targeted messages related to your brand.

Automatic analysis

We analyze messages and determine how they can be perceived (in positive, negative or neutral way) using a neural network algorithm.

User interfaces

The user-friendly interface helps you find information promptly and sort it correctly.

Export and integration

It is possible to export data to any format you want, as well as to integrate them with various systems via API.

Major benefits of the monitoring service


Analysis through a neural network

You can quickly analyze content using the neural network algorithms


Searching for new

The system finds new sources every minute and adds them to the monitoring database



The system displays the information found in real-time mode

Main sources of monitoring

Social networks
Video hostings
Review pages
Online mass-media

Main objects of monitoring

Companies and brands
Products of companies
Heads and chief managers of companies
Personal brand

Automated data analysis

Reports and data visualization


Message feed


Message filtering


Message sorting


Full-text search


Comparison of monitoring objects


1 year

5 topics

Over 60,000,000 sources

Reports via WhatsApp and e-mail

Social network monitoring and medias



529$ 589$
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Sewing Base

As recommended by our partners, we use the DataEddy program that has a user-friendly and intuitive interface. Our support service provides prompt answers to your questions and solves all issues. Thus, you don’t depend on the programmer's visits. With DataEddy, we ‘keep our eye on the ball’ and monitor new social network references of our company. This allows us to quickly process these references and work with our clients. It must be said about the convenience of the reports for the required time period that are downloaded directly in the program. And everything is easy to track.


If the operation of the agency is considered, it’s very important to promptly receive analytical information from our clients and users of both social networks and the Internet in its entirety. The smart DataEddy system won’t miss any new reviews, and will inform you about them, and process them as well. This is a very user-friendly program, which allows you to easily download all the necessary data. ‘VashaFerma’ (eng. — Your Farm) — to automate the work with clients, our company has selected the DataEddy product working on the AI-basis. The system helps us track all the information about the company's activities, respond to reviews and provide feedback. This allowed us to reduce the amount of negativity on the Internet and improve our image. It’s convenient that reviews and references are ranked by possible perception and can be downloaded (in detail) in the form of reports.


We are an association of AI-laboratories, and we are well aware of the importance of dealing with reviews appearing on the Internet. Great functionality and high-speed performance should be mentioned as the benefits of DataEddy. Currently, there are no analogues of this program. So, it’s recommended!


If the work of a beauty salon is taken into account, it’s important not only to meet the client with a smile, but also to make sure that he will like everything and come back (and not once). But there are thousands of salons in Moscow, and, of course, clients have a plenty of choices on where to go. The company’s image is our major priority, because many people know how to attract new clients, but the challenging task is to turn them into regular clients. And not everyone knows how to deal with it. Exactly, to retain the clients, we decided to work with DataEddy, so that we know what our clients think about, we know whether they like our services or not, etc. And we didn’t make a mistaken! So, it’s very important to follow-up your reviews on the Internet to work on your image and, accordingly, increase the flow of new and old clients. Moreover, this is very actual at such a fickle time, when the entire service industry can be locked down anytime due to the virus factor.


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